Doordash DRIVE Delivery

DoorDash Drive is DoorDash's white label delivery service that enables merchants to leverage DoorDash's powerful driver network while retaining control of the customer experience. Drive charges a flat fee of $7.00 per delivery (no commissions) and even offers discounts to merchants that have a higher delivery volume. Delivery fee discount opportunities are defined below.

About This Service

Door Dash Drive is a revolutionary new service from Door Dash that provides on-demand delivery of groceries, prepared meals, and other items from local stores and restaurants. With Door Dash Drive, customers can order items from their favorite stores and restaurants and have them delivered directly to their door in as little as two hours. Door Dash Drive is the perfect solution for busy individuals who don't have the time to shop for groceries or wait in line at restaurants. With Door Dash Drive, customers can save time, money, and hassle while still enjoying delicious food from their favorite places.



DoorDash is a technology company that connects people with the best in their cities. We started by facilitating door-to-door delivery, but we see this as just the beginning of connecting people with possibility — easier evenings, happier days, bigger savings accounts, wider nets and stronger communities. DoorDash’s innovative merchant-focused solutions enhance your success by transforming your business. Open your doors to an entire city and see your reach and revenue grow.

 1 Day Delivery       LETS TALK - Utilize the most powerful delivery service in the world today couple this with YOUR OWN ONLINE ORDERING WEBSITE THAT WE BUILD FOR YOU FREE, drive customer traffic there

What's Included

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Merchant Reviews

J&J Rib Shack

At first we hated DoorDash because although we increased sales the profits were going to them not us, after speaking with Brian over at Shift4 Brian constructed a plan to utilize our Own Online Ordering website and eliminate all the Commission fees.....we Love DoorDash Drive. On behalf of myself and my wife want to say thanks Brian!

At first we hated DoorDash because although we increased sales the profits were going to them not us, after speaking with Brian over at Shift4 Brian constructed a plan to utilize our Own Online Ordering website and eliminate all the Commission fees.....we Love DoorDash Drive. On behalf of myself and my wife want to say thanks Brian!

Popular Questions From Merchants


What is different about DoorDash DRIVE


Doordash Drive allows the merchant to control there cost by utilizing their own Online Ordering Menu with not commision fees while using the door dash delivery service to get the order to the customer ....the customer pays the normal fees to DoorDash